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I have met a lot of wonderful people here. In my opinion this is the best networking site today. This is a platform for networking with people, build some business relationships,and some of us are just tryng to rebuild our lifes after this catastrophic economy.

It’s either someone not in agreement of your post, a moderator who might not like what you shared that day or someone accidentally flagging your comment. It seemed a discretion issue and I just left it like that. I however did not have it as a Group wide thingy and so I guess it did not bug me that much. Pat – a very timely post because I just received the same notification this week. I’m very careful about posting to groups so I’m a little mystified that one of my posts was considered spam. As you say, you never know which group it was.

I recommend that you use the “We’ve done business together” option as it can be used as a trigger to help someone remember where they may have met you. Select the job you were working when you met the person. IF you have NOT met the person yet, select your current position. By choosing the business option, it shows that you want to develop a working relationship with the individual with whom you are trying to connect. One tip is if you don’t know someone who has not personalized their invitation, use the “reply don’t accept yet” option on the invitation choices. Find the person that you would like to invite to connect. Thanks to Sally for letting me use her in this example.

But most of the time, accounts get banned because they are repeatedly reported for spamming. Some people will follow someone in the hopes that that someone will invite them to connect. This is a weak strategy as not everyone checks their followers.

It all comes back to the “what’s in it for the other person” idea. We want to give them a reason to say “yes”. People are on both sides of the fence on whether one is really needed. If I know the person, or they are a logical person to accept – they work at a client company for example – no note is needed.

I have always wondered who to connect with on LinkedIn, especially when I may have only met a person through an introduction. I have also connected with tons of recruiters. I connect with them because we have a career path that runs along the same track. We’re both trying to help job seekers, we just help them in two different ways. It is always a good idea to connect with people in similar industries who you could potentially partner with later down the LinkedIn Sales Navigator road. Lately I have noticed a flurry of LinkedIn invitation activity. What bothers me is not the amount of invitations being sent or received but how users are going about the invitation process.

It is just a sheen of credibility, a starter kit of credibility, but it gives you you a shot at making an impression. You don’t get this credibility boost via InMail, email, or cold call. Dee's company, Time2Mrkt, was our choice to design, coach and mentor AirPSG in social media. If you don’t know the person but want to connect with them, tell them why so they don’t think you are stalking them. I promise to never ever, ever, ever, use the generic invitation to connect from LinkedIn. By following all of these steps, you should be able to build your network and reduce the potential for being thrown into LinkedIn jail.